Home / Volkswagen / T2 Bay / Electrical / Indicators Indicators Showing products 1 to 21 of 21 Sort by:Most popularWhat's newPrice low to highPrice high to lowName A to ZName Z to A Base and Seal for USA Specification Markers: T2 Bay 1970-1979 £9.95 Bulb Holder for Rear USA Specification Markers: T2 Bay 1970-1979 £12.95 Front Indicator Lens Amber Left: T2 Bay 1968-1972 £19.96 Front Indicator Lens Amber Left: T2 Bay 1972-1979 £6.76 Front Indicator Lens Amber Right: T2 Bay 1968-1972 £19.96 Front Indicator Lens Amber Right: T2 Bay 1972-1979 £6.76 Front Indicator Lens Clear Left: T2 Bay 1972-1979 £10.75 Front Indicator Lens Clear Right: T2 Bay 1972-1979 £10.75 Front Indicator Lens, Clear, Left: T2 Bay 1968-1972 £30.95 Front Indicator Lens, Clear, Right: T2 Bay 1968-1972 £27.95 Front Indicator Reflector Left: T2 Bay 1968-1972 £42.95 Front Indicator Reflector Right: T2 Bay 1968-1972 £42.95 Front Indicator Seal: T2 Bay 1968-1972 £7.25 Lens screw: T2 Bay 1968-1972, Baywindow USA 1968-1972 £6.95 Screw for Indicator Base or Lower Grille: T2 Bay 1968-1972 £0.80 Screws, For US Spec Rear Side Marker, Pair, T2 70>: T2 Bay 1970-1979 £1.75 Seal, Front Indicator to Body, Each: T2 Bay 1968-1972 £7.25 USA Marker in Amber and Black: T2 Bay 1971-1979 £12.76 USA Marker in Amber and Silver: T2 Bay 1971-1979 £8.75 USA Side Marker in Red and Black: T2 Bay 1971-1979 £12.76 USA Side Marker in Red and Silver: T2 Bay 1971-1979 £8.50