Home / Mega-Bug Package Deals / Service parts Service parts Showing products 1 to 10 of 10 Sort by:Most popularWhat's newPrice low to highPrice high to lowName A to ZName Z to A HT lead set, Rotor arm & Distributor cap VW Type 2 & Type 25 1700-2000cc 71-82 £39.90 HT lead set, Rotor arm, Distributor cap & spark plugs VW Type 2 1700-2000cc 71-83 £51.45 Oil Filter, Oil Strainer, Sump gasket set, Air Filter Type 4 engine 1700-2000cc £19.95 Oil Filter, Strainer and Sump gasket set Type 4 air cooled engine 1700-2000cc £15.50 Oil strainer, Gasket set,Sump plate & nuts VW Beetle, Type2 £15.95 Points Rotor arm & distributor cap VW Beetle & T2 £14.40 Points, distributor cap & HT leads VW Beetle & T2 1968-1979 Budget £18.10 Rotor arm and distributor cap for VW Beetle and Type 2 1968 to 1979 £10.90 Spark plugs and points VW Beetle and Type 2 £18.50 Spark plugs, points, rotor arm, and distributor cap VW Beetle and Type 2 £23.95